
maanantai 12. lokakuuta 2015

Pakolaisen polku toimi jälleen keskustelun herättäjänä

Pakolaisen polku on tänä vuonna järjestetty jälleen kaikille porvoon yläkoulujen 8.luokkalaisille. Aihe on ajankohtaisempi kuin koskaan.

Pakolaisen polkua on järjestetty jo liki 30 vuotta. Se on yhdenvertaisuustapahtuma, jonka tavoitteena on kannustaa erilaisuuden arvostamiseen ja suvaitsevaisuuteen.Tapahtumalla pyritään vaikuttamaan nuorten asenteisiin ja herättämään keskustelua mm. ulkomaalaisten asemasta yhteiskunnastamme sekä ennakkoluuloista ja niiden seurauksista. 

Pakolaisen polku on vuorovaikutteista teatteria, jossa näyttelijöiden roolissa toimi Porvoon ammattiopiston, Amiston, maahanmuuttajanuorten ryhmä. Pakolaisen polku vei oppilaat Tylymaahan, jonka tullissa, sairaalassa ja koulussa nuoret joutuivat kokemaan ankean vastaanoton. Oppaina matkalla toimivat Amiston matkailualan opiskelijat. 

Pakolaisen polkua kävivät myös seuraamassa vapaaehtoiset työntekijänuoret Melanie (Saksasta) ja Silvia (Italiasta). He myös kirjasivat hieman kokemuksiaan näytelmän jälkeen:

"I was waiting to start the tour, a cloth separated me and the room when everyhing was happened. It was pretty dark, I didn't really know what to expect, I could only hear people shouting. After a few minutes, we started the tour. The room was pretty dark, the "police man" was looking at me, he spoke really loud in a language that I can't understand, making something with wood stick.  I was scared. They took my baggage, put me in prison and made a marking on me, but I didn't understand nothing. When I think about this "tour", it figures in my mind the world fear. But not because my experience, because I know that things like this happen, really in our world. " - Silvia, 19. 

"Everything feels foreign and you cannot understand anyone so you don't know what do do... That let me feel helpless, insecure and also lonely even if there were so many people. The foreign letters let me feel like a little child again. All in all there were many feelings and impressions at the same time but to combine everthing it felt really bad. I felt like I was on the wrong place, I didn't fit into this foreign environment.
Understanding nobody wasn't that impressive for me because it is a erveryday situation at the moment. After the refugees path all the others started to speak finnish again, erveryone understood each other but I didn't understand anyone. But here I can ask everyone for help and I feel welcome. During that path there were nobody who could help me and it didn't feel like welcomming at all so I was very lonley. Of course the big difference is the attitude, I didn't have to flee and I didn't lose my family or my home so I could come to Finland with a more postive and happy attitude." - Melanie, 19.

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